Tuesday, May 24

A Double Wow Day

Two wows in a single day.

First, I just installed Mac's new Tiger OS on my PowerBook. Oh my. It is a definite wow. Faster. Sleeker. Better integration. And all the "razzle-dazzle-spit-and-polish-design" one might expect from Apple. And the dashboard widgets are the least of it. I leave for a trip to Europe in a few days and was thinking of leaving my laptop behind. But, no longer.

Second, I opened a package that just arrived from Veritas Press. In it was the first of a multi-volume classical Omnibus. Again, wow. Editors Ty Fischer and Douglas Wilson have assembled a stirling cast of writers, thinkers, and educators to produce a marvelous introduction to the art, literature, and ideas of Antiquity. With worldview essays, recitations, activities, and classroom discussion plans for each of the most significant works of the age--from the Greeks, Romans, and Babylonians to the Hebrews, Persians, and Christians--this will be one of those "absolutely-positively-must-have-it-now" volumes for all homeschoolers and classical schoolers.

Wow. Double wow.


  1. Douglas: I gave a similar message at Christ Community Church in Franklin on February 27. You can download the audio file at our website:


    May God continue to bless and use you there in Rome.

  2. Douglas: His name was Gerhard Groote.
