Tuesday, April 4

While You're Sleeping

While you’re sleeping tonight there will be an occurrence of historic proportions. At two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. Cool, huh?


  1. You are the strangest, most peculiarly endearing person I know! Why do we have to be so excited about the time most of us would be sleeping through as opposed to taking advantage of an alert lunchtime 01:02:03 (pm) 04/05/06 observance?

  2. Amy:

    But, what fun is it in the afternoon?

  3. Joshua: Well, it will be April 4 here when it is April 5 there, so the 01,02,03,04,05,06 pattern will still hold true--the world over--just at hourly intervals.

  4. Technically, 1:00 PM is actually 1300.

  5. Considering how little sleep I've been getting I will probably be able to raise and Ebeneezer at that precise moment.

  6. Sky: Only in the military--or in France. I'll give some leeway to the military. But for the rest of us, the twelve-hour clock will continue to suffice.

  7. The Spanish use the military time too. Or at least, the ones from my 80's Spanish textbook.

    1AM is more fun. It means I can take a homework break!

  8. Richard: You nailed it!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Of course, some of us remember a few years back when the clock/calendar read:

    1:23:45 6/7/89

    (I slept through the AM version of said event ... wait a sec ... my eldest son was less than 1 year old then, so maybe I was awake)
