Sunday, January 28

King's Meadow Newsletter

The new King's Meadow newsletter has arrived. It is our annual books, movies, and music issue. With reviews, surveys, and articles from Gene King, Amy Shore, Blair Sadler, Dave Ramond, and the always intrepid Greg Wilbur. Start 2007 right--read, watch, and listen with us!


  1. Do you debate history with people much, Dr. Grant?

    I really enjoy talking to people about history and learning from them.

    I would really enjoy listening to you speak!

  2. Matt: I typically don't enjoy debates--but, I love lively discussions.

    I speak here in the Franklin area on an average of six times each week--two lectures, two sermons, and at least two other outside events. If you're ever out this way, you'll have to stop by and say "hello." In addition though, I do have the opportunity to speak all around the country at various times, so I am sure the opportunity to meet sometime in the not too distant future will present itself.
