Friday, November 16

Faith in Faith and Faith in God

Faith in God is personal and objective. Faith in faith is impersonal and subjective. Faith in God transcends self-interest and self-fulfillment. Faith in faith descends into self-reliance and self-assurance. Faith in God is a belief in Someone who has revealed Himself to man “at many times and in various ways” (Hebrews 1:1). Faith in faith is simply “a belief” in something or anything (James 2:19).


  1. This kind of Chesterton-like wisdom is so rare. Thank you so much. This is why your ministry is of such significance to us in this day and time. I would very much appreciate seeing you develop this idea further. Have you considered a book on this subject?

  2. This is probably not a topic, in and of itself, that I would try to tackle in a book-length monograph. But, in some ways, this idea inevitably permeates all my work--including books I hope to write in the future.

  3. What a great quote. It sounds very "Gresham Machen-like" in how it is so clear and precise.

  4. Lane: I take that as the highest compliments. Thank you.
