Tuesday, December 18



  1. Lawrence: And think of the timing: during the heart of the presidential primary season!

  2. I can't wait to see this one. As a former atheist, I'm amazed at those who refuse to at least consider Creation arguments.

  3. A coworker, an atheist, commented today that he wanted to see this movie. When I asked him why he responded, 'Well, I want to see what non-religious wacko has to say about intelligent design.

    As to timing; Couldn't be better :)

  4. I think the argument for academic freedom is a valuable one. Instead of telling people WHAT to think, high schools and colleges need to be teaching critical thinking skills. But that would ruin the plans for the global indoctrination of the masses, now wouldn't it? ;-)

  5. it's absolutely unbelievable how quickly the movie was taken down. I just clicked on the link and the movie no longer plays it says that the movie has been removed. Talk about control of the media, and now the pending control of the Internet. Whatever it was that you were hoping we can see by way the video is a mystery to the rest of us.

  6. It's working now... maybe it was just a temporary glitch. They would literally have to have turned into the KGB to remove that clip from You Tube.

  7. Kinda sad that it took a non-Christian to come along and do this in a funny and intelligent way.
