Saturday, January 26

On the Nightstand


  1. Ooo. . .
    I've been looking at The Last Kingdom. How is it?

  2. Lawrence: Well, it is like most of Cornwell's other books: well-researched, well-written, adventurous, and exciting. I really enjoy his subjects, characters, and style. He's apparently not a Christian so the Secularist crass-factor in his books tends to be higher than what I think is necessary and the Modernist worldview tends to be more than a little confused--and at times even anachronistic. But, I get the feeling that it's almost as if he's like George Eliot was in Silas Marner: wanting the Gospel to be true, but not quite able to believe it because of the all too evident flaws in the Church.

  3. Thanks. I think I will pick it up. I've read a couple of his other works.

  4. Dr. G, while it might be a month late, you should pick up "Magi," a Christmas novel by Daniel Gilbert (my cousin). With your background in Middle East studies, you'll appreciate his research. The book did hit Amazon UK's top seller list during the holidays.

  5. I have read the Last Kingdom and I enjoyed it. I will agree with Dr. Grant that Cornwell sees the Gospel to be true but those entrusted with the Gospel are false. I will say that Alfred gets a fair treatment by Cornwell.
