Tuesday, June 10

Friendly Fire

It's a problem all of us have had to face at one time or another. We wade into a spiritual battle with every intention of engaging the enemy only to discover that our greatest danger may well come from within our own ranks. We're hit by "friendly fire."

In his newest little book, Hit by Friendly Fire: What To Do When Christians Hurt You, Mike Milton addresses the astonishment and frustration, anguish and isolation, and anger and elf-doubt we inevitably feel when we are betrayed by our fellow Christians. By astutely diagnosing the problems, finding Biblical solutions, and applying the divine balm with pastoral thoughtfulness, Milton, the new president of Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, not only provides a solidly Biblical perspective but also real hope and healing. Published by Wipf and Stock, this is a book that seasoned pastors and newly converted Christians, idealistic students and cynical saints alike will find of great solace and direction. It is a book for all of us.

1 comment:

  1. The confusing thing is that even though you may feel like you've been hit by friendly fire, those who have aimed it your way say the same thing about themselves - that you did the aiming towards them. Alas, "every man is right in his own eyes." There is way too much of this firing going on. And it seems to be everywhere. While part of me would probably get a lot out of this book and feel like I could really relate, the other part of me thinks it would just get me thinking on stuff that really is best left alone. Alas, we can not change people. We sometimes can't even get them to see things that seem so clear. I find myself having to just trust the Lord with the things I cannot change or understand. As my godly pastor/ husband reminds me often, "we must press on in God's calling and make sure our hearts remain clean." That is of course clean and free from resentment, unforgiveness, and bitterness - only accomplished by God's good measure of grace in the soul. Is the hope and healing that is offered in this book the kind that actually restores relationships? Too often I have seen one side be willing to be restored while the other side is not. It can be very disheartening. Then you have those that say they've been wounded by the church when in reality, perhaps they had to undergo church discipline for a grevious sin. Yes, indeed that is so painful, even when done biblically and in love. Still, the church has hurt them and you are labeled harsh, unloving and judgmental. Yep, kind of confusing. But who ever said being a biblical Christian was going to be without hurt and heartache. Jesus was crucified, the prophets martyred, His disciples and apostles had their share of suffering. It seems the good guys have a hard time of it. Keeping these things before me brings perspective. I hope I made some sense. Still, I just might pick up this book, Dr. Grant.
