Wednesday, August 6

What's Wrong with the Modern Church

The most recent World Magazine cover story about "NextGen Worship" nearly caused a violent reaction in me. Thankfully, it actually did cause a violent reaction in Julie R. Neidlinger, editor of the Lone Prairie online magazine. The end result was her article, Why I Walked Out of Church. I am so glad my friend Bing Davis sent me the link. It is spot on! I blogged on the article--as well as the reaction and the longing that provoked it--at my Parish Life site.


  1. The Church will never reform culture for Christ if it is transformed by culture instead. Going to church doesn't necessarily mean being the Church.

  2. Do you think the article is spot on in tone?

  3. Jeremy: All tone must be modulated by the context of time, circumstance, and personality. Any one tone can never be appropriate for all situations--or even all persons in the same situations. There is a time to be funny and a time to be grave. There is a time to be carefully respectful of convention and there is a time to brashly tip the golden cows. There is a time to say, "Good morning, Sire;" and there is a time to say, "Good grief! The Emperor has no clothes!"

    Christian grace always has to be modulated as well--sometimes it will gently convey the idea of "Go thou and sin no more;" other times it must boldly proclaim, "You white-washed tombs!"

  4. I shared this article with several twenty-something year-olds I have privilege of ministering to and with. Two said, "Yes, that is what I have felt like for a long time, but I could not put it into words. Thank you." All were appreciative and intrigued. And each of them have shared it with other friends. Fruitful conversations are underway. Also thanks to Jeremy for the question above and for George's wise response.

  5. Josh: Great to hear from you! I trust all is well with you and your beautiful family.
