Monday, December 5

Life Is Football

On this day in 1815, the Earl of Home led the men of Ettrick against Sir Walter Scott and his team from Yarrow in a game of football. In honor of the match, which took place at Carterhaugh in Ettrick Forest, the great Scottish poet penned two songs to inspire his team--including these words which immortalized sports in literary history:

Then strip lads, and to it, though sharp be the weather,
And if by mischance, you should happen to fall,
There are worse things in life than a tumble in the heather,
And life is itself but a game of football!

1 comment:

  1. Ethan: You'll probably need to find a collection of Scott's poetry--there are several in print. Just look for the "football" selection and it is likely that all the Ettrick verses will be included.
