Saturday, October 14

Mission Accomplished

The first annual running of the Uttermost was a roaring success. We did it. Every mile, every day, every event. I'll be posting photos and final tallies on our fundraising totals this next week on my run blog. Right now though, I am going to rest--at least for a little while!


  1. Congratulations. You are a great inspiration to us all.

  2. That's so great. Way to go. 175 miles? That's crazy cool.

  3. What an accomplishment, Dr. Grant! Makes my Fall Fest 5K Run this weekend seem so small. Giants standing so tall - you, your students and Dean Karnazes! Ya'll keep me going!

    Love your comment, Michael! That's a prize scripture!

  4. Humph, now my slow waddle around the block feels even more pathetic.



  5. OFS: Oh, please do not despise the day of small beginnings. It was just three years ago that I decided I needed to get back into shape after years of a sedentary existence. I could barely trot from one mailbox to the next on our street. But, I was determined that for the sake of my health, for my family, and for my ministry, I needed to stick with it. I thought my efforts were quite pathetic at first. They weren't though. They were just the beginnings of something new. I am still at the beginning of so many things my life--including this one. After all, once we crest the hill, every day poses new challenges--and I crested quite some time ago!
