Thursday, March 16

Springtime Blessings

Spring has sprung. The trees are budding and the bulbs are beginning to poke up through the ground. It is just about the best time of year—yielding up long-dormant, nearly-forgotten blessings:

1. Coffee on the porch at sunrise.
2. Breaking down March Madness bracketology with my sons.
3. Long runs in the quiet of the dawn and at the dimming of the day.
4. Lententide liturgical Vespers services.
5. Stacks of seed catalogs arriving in the mail.
6. Sugar maples, crab apples, and dogwoods offering hints and glimpses of their coming glory.
7. Saturday afternoon barbecues.
8. Fresh cilantro and basil in salads.
9. Uninterrupted hours of reading in the sunshine.
10. The spring marathon schedule.

For the beauty of the earth
For the glory of the skies,
For the love which from our birth
Over and around us lies.
Lord of all, to Thee we raise,
This our hymn of grateful praise.


Unknown said...

I love the small white flowers that carpet our front lawn. Some folks label them 'weeds' and hasten to mow them. But mowing is to be resisted as long as possible.
I love the cool, even cold, early mornings and late nights. And yet in spring, our afternoons are warm, even hot.
And regarding books and coffee: All seasons, all times, all occasions are wonderful times for such delights.

gileskirk said...

Ben: I'm the same way with our flowering "weeds." And of course, you know what I think of coffee and books!