Tuesday, April 27

New Patriot's Edition Released

“Whatever makes a man a good Christian also makes a good citizen.” Daniel Webster once asserted. Although the subject of informed public virtue has been much maligned of late, it is no less true today than it was in Webster’s day. That is why I compiled an anthology of speeches, poems, sermons, profiles, documents, and songs several years ago. Published by Cumberland House, The Patriot’s Handbook quickly became a staple in the Civics, History, and Humanities curricula of a goodly number of homeschools, Christian schools, and classical schools. Now I am happy to announce a new, updated version of the book has been released by Cumberland. The second edition doesn’t remove any of the original material. But we’ve updated it to the post-9/11 world, added a few new features, and given the look a bit of buffing up. I hope you are as pleased with the result as I am. And I pray that it may be used in the good providence of God to raise up a whole new generation of good Christian citizens.

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