”It is not necessary to imagine The world ending in fire or ice. There are two other possibilities: One is paperwork, And the other is nostalgia.” Frank Zappa
Johnny: Ah yes. The joys of remembering toe-tappers like "Elohim Considers Antedeluvia," "The Nephilim Disembodied," and that all-time, top-40 fav, "Bestia Ex Machina." Don't take the number; don't take the number; don't take the number...
You quoting FZ is too weird of a juxtaposition for me!
Johnny: I've even thought of "going to Montana soon." Wouldn't it be grand to be "a dental floss tycoon?"
You're freakin' me out. Stop it. Next thing you'll be quoting Arkangel.
Johnny: Ah yes. The joys of remembering toe-tappers like "Elohim Considers Antedeluvia," "The Nephilim Disembodied," and that all-time, top-40 fav, "Bestia Ex Machina." Don't take the number; don't take the number; don't take the number...
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