Sunday, August 24

The End of the World

”It is not necessary to imagine
The world ending in fire or ice.
There are two other possibilities:
One is paperwork,
And the other is nostalgia.”
Frank Zappa


Johnny! said...

You quoting FZ is too weird of a juxtaposition for me!

gileskirk said...

Johnny: I've even thought of "going to Montana soon." Wouldn't it be grand to be "a dental floss tycoon?"

Johnny! said...

You're freakin' me out. Stop it. Next thing you'll be quoting Arkangel.


gileskirk said...

Johnny: Ah yes. The joys of remembering toe-tappers like "Elohim Considers Antedeluvia," "The Nephilim Disembodied," and that all-time, top-40 fav, "Bestia Ex Machina." Don't take the number; don't take the number; don't take the number...